Inside/Outside of The Box Thinking

Sustainability – Paper and Corrugated Cardboard Recycling

Written by Mick Arnold | Jan 23, 2023 3:00:08 PM

As local governments continued to push for more curbside recycling, and e-commerce orders and home deliveries skyrocket, we would like to educate and inform you on some basic paper and corrugated recycling facts and hopefully dispel some recycling myths.

FACT - Unless treated heavily with chemicals, paper is one of the most recyclable materials around. The EPA estimates that 68 percent of all paper and cardboard winds up being recycled every year. When recycled, cardboard is used to make chipboard like cereal boxes, paperboard, paper towels, tissues and printing or writing paper. It's also made into more corrugated cardboard.

FACT - Since cardboard is biodegradable, it produces Methane (the greenhouse gas) as it breaks down. If you don't recycle cardboard, then it will end up in landfill and increase the amount of Methane that is released into the atmosphere. As a result, it will take up unnecessary space and contribute to global warming as well.

FACT - Paper and cardboard can be recycled up to seven times which helps save on raw materials, water and energy to produce new cardboard. It also pays off to keep paper and cardboard segregated for recycling since the collection charges are much lower than for mixed recycling or general waste collections.

FACT Recycling cardboard produces 50% less sulfur dioxide than making cardboard from raw materials. Corrugated cardboard boxes are made from 75% recycled material and can be transformed from recycled material to finished products in as little as 14 days. 

MYTH - RECYCLING DOES NOT SAVE ENEGERY - Recycling paper saves about 60% of the energy needed to make new paper. Trees are essential for lowering our carbon dioxide levels and sustaining all living things. Recycling a single ton of paper can save 17 trees and diminish the water waste from the manufacturing process. 

MYTH - ALL PAPER IS RECYCABLE - Just because it’s paper, doesn’t mean it’s recyclable! Make sure to take a closer look—soiled cardboard, used paper towels, or your frozen pizza box from last night are a recycling no-go. Even though frozen food boxes are made from paper, they are then coated with a plastic resin to protect the food from freezer burn. Unfortunately, that resin means they are unable to be recycled.

MYTH - PRODUCTS MADE FROM RECYCLED MATERIALS AREN’T QUALITY - Manufacturing with recycled materials has improved by leaps and bounds in recent years. Years ago, recycled products were thinner, but today’s technology has significantly improved the strength and quality of recycled materials to the point where they are often indistinguishable from products made from “virgin” materials.

Recycled materials can still be out of reach for many small businesses due to high demand by other brands and large minimum order sizes from manufacturers, but growing consumer demand helps to bring costs down and make these materials more accessible for all. That’s what we call a win/win!

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