Inside/Outside of The Box Thinking

Innovation Highlight - InVia Robotics

Written by Mick Arnold | Apr 24, 2023 3:19:21 PM

Imagine your warehouse humming with productivity, speed, and precision. Arnold Automation’s partnership with InVia Robotics can make that a reality with a Robotics-as-a-service subscription solution - a true game-changer for distributors.

Our eCommerce fulfillment system automates repetitive tasks so that your people can focus on doing more meaningful work. Grow your team with robots by scaling throughput based on your order volume. Imagine leveraging a system that can be implemented in weeks and can boost your productivity 4-5x by maximizing efficiency in all warehouse fulfillment tasks.

These are modules that deliver!

  • Increase pick rates
  • Optimize replenishment and put away
  • Cycle counting for inventory management
  • Hospitality workflow for mispicks
  • Lot control/serialization
  • Pack out optimization
  • Put backs and return

InVia owns, operates, optimizes, and services the robots, overseeing the system in real-time, so you can focus on growing your business.

If you’d like to see what true turnkey automation can do to grow your business, schedule a demo with Arnold Automation and InVia Robotics today.